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About the Beneficiary:
St. George Greek Orthodox Church

St. George Greek Orthodox Church in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago's north side and was established in 1923 by Greek immigrants. St. George remains an important center for worship and fellowship for its parishioners and friends from throughout the Chicagoland area. Through the gifts of the holy spirit in faith and determination these new Americans were able to purchase the Lutheran Church at 2701 N. Sheffield Avenue and adapt it for Orthodox worship in time for services to be held in April 1923.

Yiasou! (Hello! Or Greetings!)

Being Greek means relishing the world around you and enjoying life to its fullest. Come experience the Ancient Greek concept of "filoxenia" and the famous hospitality of the Greek culture. The Lincoln Park Greek Fest gives us the opportunity to open our arms, our hearts and our kitchens as we share our culture with you!

This popular annual cultural celebration on the grounds of St. George Greek Orthodox Church will serve up authentic flavorful food, great music, dancing and pure fun.

The St. George Greek Orthodox Church and the Lincoln Park Greek Community are proud to host the Lincoln Park Greek Fest. You too can be Greek for a day at the Lincoln Park Greek Fest! Whether one is Greek or not, this fest promises that everyone will be proudly Hellenic for at least a day.

So... Come on! Elate! Be Greek for a day. Come to the Lincoln Park Greek Fest and see what we’re all about! It no longer has to be “All Greek” to you! Opa!

Full Food Menu



Friday June 6th

5:30 - 7pm: The Wise Guys (Classic Rock)

7:30 - 9:30pm: 16 Candles (Pop/Rock)

Saturday June 7th

4 - 10pm: Ormi Orchestra (Modern & Traditional Greek Music)

Sunday June 8th

4 - 10pm: Ormi Orchestra (Modern & Traditional Greek Music)

Greek Folk Dance Troupe Performances

Saturday June 7th

Noon - 1pm: Whispers of the Mediterranean

6pm: Cretan Youth Of Chicago

7:30pm: Perifania Adult Dance Group

Sunday June 8th

Noon - 1pm: Whispers of the Mediterranean

6:30pm: Perifania Youth Dance Group


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